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Ezines Increase Website Traffic

Ezines are a great tool for keeping in touch with your client base. We have seen first-hand the increases in website traffic that our clients have experienced thanks to a professionally designed ezine template created by our talented designers

What is an ezine?

An ezine is an electronic magazine or newsletter that is delivered to a company's client database. Ezines are a great form of (generally) free targeted advertising to people who are already qualified, potential customers as they have shown interest in your company's services by registering themselves in your database.

How frequently should I publish an ezine?

They are normally published on a daily, weekly, monthly or bi-monthly frequency. The frequency depends on the company's ability to generate material for the ezine, what the audience expects, the company's usual frequency of contact with customers, and the resources the company can dedicate to preparing the ezine. Whether or not subscribers are paying for the ezine should also dictate the email frequency.

What should I include in my ezine?

An ezine usually includes information on the company, blogs the company has published, industry information and articles sourced from external sources. Revenue can also be earnt by advertising your company's products and services in the ezine, selling advertising space in the ezine to others, and offering discounts and deals on your company's products and services.

Evidence that ezines are beneficial

Expert's designers recently designed an ezine template for Henry Hughes, a patent and Trade Mark Attorney Company. One of Henry Hughes's Principals, Elena Szentivany reported that they ''found the creation and mail out of the ezine quick and easy - it was cost and time efficient compared to creating and mailing out a hard copy newsletter''.

Szentivany was also pleased with the giant leap in traffic to their website. ''In the first 24 hours following the issue of the ezine, the traffic to our website increased more than three-fold compared with the previous day. The increased traffic continued for the rest of the week and remained higher for several weeks following, compared with the previous month. We also noticed that visitors clicked through to other related pages on our website that we had linked to in our lead article.''

The firm has also made great use of other media, such as their Twitter account, to push out the ezine to create ''a bit of on-line buzz'', as they were world's first firm ''to send out notification of an important legislative development''.

Szentivany mentioned that they are using the ''ezine template to create a more targeted newsletter that we have sent out to individual recipients''. Great thinking from Henry Hughes!

Contact us if you would like to make the most of your website.

Don't forget to sign up to our ezine database to receive the latest on using out CMS MoST, blog updates - sign up now!

Talk to us.

Let's start a conversation about your web presence today
Phone: +64 4 384 9833 | Email: us@expert.services
Address: 19 Tennyson Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
Postal address: PO Box 6474, Wellington 6141, New Zealand

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